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This is another Item, not as long, but want to check wrapping
This is another Item, not as long, but want to check wrapping
Place Name Hometown Money Earned
1 J.B. MauneyJ.B. Mauney Statesville, NC $7,419,475
2 Silvano AlvesSilvano Alves Pilar do Sul, SP $6,792,340
3 Jose Vitor LemeJose Vitor Leme Ribas do Rio Pardo, MS $6,445,836
4 Guilherme MarchiGuilherme Marchi Três Lagoas, MS $5,338,428
5 Justin McBrideJustin McBride Elk City, OK $5,186,799
6 Kaique PachecoKaique Pacheco Itatiba SP $4,835,071
7 Jess LockwoodJess Lockwood Volborg, MT $4,232,071
8 Chris ShiversChris Shivers Jonesville, LA $3,923,994
9 Mike LeeMike Lee Decatur, TX $3,916,765
10 João Ricardo VieiraJoão Ricardo Vieira Itatinga, SP $3,888,251
11 Cooper DavisCooper Davis Jasper, TX $3,680,002
12 Kody LostrohKody Lostroh Longmont CO $3,263,027
13 Adriano MoraesAdriano Moraes Cachoeira Paulista, SP $3,085,286
14 Renato NunesRenato Nunes Buritama, SP $2,979,218
15 Daylon SwearingenDaylon Swearingen Piffard, NY $2,836,962
16 Eduardo AparecidoEduardo Aparecido Gouvelandia, GO $2,742,581
17 Robson PalermoRobson Palermo Rio Branco Acre $2,601,731
18 Valdiron de OliveiraValdiron de Oliveira Balcimo SP $2,256,531
19 Derek KolbabaDerek Kolbaba Walla Walla, WA $1,984,503
20 Ryan DirteaterRyan Dirteater Hulbert, OK $1,964,775
21 Marco EguchiMarco Eguchi Poa, SP $1,944,367
22 Chase OutlawChase Outlaw Hamburg, AR $1,926,785
23 Cassio DiasCassio Dias São F. de Sales, MG $1,924,839
24 Fabiano VieiraFabiano Vieira Perola, Parana $1,845,163
25 L.J. JenkinsL.J. Jenkins Porum, OK $1,838,247
26 Dalton KaselDalton Kasel Muleshoe, TX $1,735,077
27 Luke SnyderLuke Snyder Raymore, MO $1,728,916
28 Cody NanceCody Nance Paris, TN $1,680,945
29 Rafael Jose de BritoRafael Jose de Brito Potirendaba, SP $1,636,832
30 Sage KimzeySage Kimzey Strong City, OK $1,572,552
31 Wiley PetersenWiley Petersen Fort Hall, ID $1,512,269
32 Ross ColemanRoss Coleman Molalla, OR $1,504,064
33 Matt TriplettMatt Triplett Canton, SD $1,471,226
34 Mike WhiteMike White De Kalb, TX $1,463,244
35 Austin MeierAustin Meier Kinta, OK $1,444,850
36 Sean WillinghamSean Willingham Summerville, GA $1,420,981
37 Luciano De CastroLuciano De Castro Guzolandia, SP $1,420,344
38 Shane ProctorShane Proctor Grand Coulee, WA $1,379,736
39 Edevaldo FerreiraEdevaldo Ferreira Andradina, BRAzil $1,357,598
40 Ednei CaminhasEdnei Caminhas Indaiatuba, SP $1,330,695
41 Cody TeelCody Teel College Station, TX $1,304,773
42 Ramon de LimaRamon de Lima Rio Branco, AC $1,247,019
43 Dener BarbosaDener Barbosa Paulo de Faria, SP $1,222,665
44 Ty MurrayTy Murray Stephenville, TX $1,195,749
45 Keyshawn WhitehorseKeyshawn Whitehorse McCracken Spring, UT $1,172,894
46 J. W. HartJ. W. Hart Overbrook, OK $1,170,068
47 John CrimberJohn Crimber Decatur, TX $1,163,631
48 Boudreaux CampbellBoudreaux Campbell Crockett, TX $1,121,176
49 Aaron RoyAaron Roy Yellow Grass, SK $1,112,704
50 Paulo CrimberPaulo Crimber Olimpia $1,111,529
51 Brady FielderBrady Fielder Clermont, QLD $1,057,595
52 Claudio Montanha Jr.Claudio Montanha Jr. Ribeirao dos Indios, SP $1,044,666
53 Brendon ClarkBrendon Clark Morpeth $1,028,583
54 Stormy WingStormy Wing Dalhart,TX $969,674
55 Travis BriscoeTravis Briscoe Edgewood, NM $967,082
56 Lucas DivinoLucas Divino Nova Crixas, GO $945,319
57 Brian CanterBrian Canter Randleman, NC $941,173
58 Kasey HayesKasey Hayes Liberal, KS $928,872
59 Zack BrownZack Brown Santa Fe, TX $920,598
60 Paulo LimaPaulo Lima Bezerros, PE $913,023
61 Cody JesusCody Jesus Window Rock, AZ $906,033
62 Rubens BarbosaRubens Barbosa Uberlândia, MG $902,175
63 Clayton WilliamsClayton Williams Carthage, TX $897,800
64 Jody NewberryJody Newberry Ada, OK $897,466
65 Stetson LawrenceStetson Lawrence Williston, ND $889,330
66 Andrew AlvidrezAndrew Alvidrez Seminole, TX $884,127
67 Troy DunnTroy Dunn Queensland $871,382
68 Tater PorterTater Porter Kenansville, FL $871,300
69 Tony MendesTony Mendes Fruita, CO $851,525
70 Mason TaylorMason Taylor Maypearl, TX $845,479
71 Owen WashburnOwen Washburn Lordsburg, NM $844,902
72 Gage GayGage Gay Staley, NC $823,871
73 Cody HartCody Hart Gainesville, TX $814,382
74 Alan de SouzaAlan de Souza Taubate, SP $793,620
75 Ben JonesBen Jones Goulburn, NSW $760,886
76 Greg PotterGreg Potter Queensland, AU $752,666
77 Lachlan RichardsonLachlan Richardson Gresford,NSW $752,355
78 Austin RichardsonAustin Richardson Dallas, TX $742,877
79 Eli VastbinderEli Vastbinder Statesville, NC $728,395
80 Tanner ByrneTanner Byrne Prince Albert, SK $723,825
81 Brian HermanBrian Herman Victoria, TX $702,305
82 Dave SamselDave Samsel Stephenville, TX $691,597
83 Jim SharpJim Sharp Stephenville, TX $670,508
84 Corey NavarreCorey Navarre Weatherford, OK $666,739
85 Douglas DuncanDouglas Duncan Huntsville, TX $658,896
86 Reese CatesReese Cates Ocala, FL $651,413
87 Billy RobinsonBilly Robinson Galax,VA $649,597
88 Emilio ResendeEmilio Resende Santa Helena do Goiás $647,671
89 Ezekiel MitchellEzekiel Mitchell Rockdale, TX $638,719
90 Dakota ButtarDakota Buttar Eatonia, SK $638,268
91 Matt BohonMatt Bohon Cole Camp, MO $637,548
92 Mauricio MoreiraMauricio Moreira Gaviao Peixoto, SP $626,794
93 Cory McFaddenCory McFadden Coleman, TX $625,443
94 Ryan McConnelRyan McConnel Bloomfield, NM $614,273
95 Jason BennettJason Bennett Honeygrove, TX $602,902
96 Terry WestTerry West Henryetta, OK $593,142
97 Jared FarleyJared Farley Kempsey, AUS. $574,015
98 Dustin ElliottDustin Elliott North Platte, NE $559,768
99 Cody WhitneyCody Whitney Asher, OK $543,704
100 Jordan HuppJordan Hupp Stephenville,TX $543,388