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Test 1
This is another Item, not as long, but want to check wrapping
This is another Item, not as long, but want to check wrapping


$250K On The Line
948 points available
38 Qualified Rides
PlcPlace Rider Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 AggAggregate Aggregate Points Total Points Earnings
1 Eduardo AparecidoEduardo Aparecido 84.00 85.25 87.75 89.25 346.25 150 216.50
2 Cassio DiasCassio Dias (3.32) 85.50 86.75 93.25 265.50 94 169.50
3 Dalton KaselDalton Kasel 86.00 86.50 91.00 (2.90) 263.50 67 151
4 Kaique PachecoKaique Pacheco 85.25 84.25 (2.79) 90.75 260.25 40 87
5 John CrimberJohn Crimber 90.00 (3.37) (2.26) 91.50 181.50 34 102
6 Keyshawn WhitehorseKeyshawn Whitehorse 87.50 (2.68) (1.94) 88.75 176.25 26 67
7 João Ricardo VieiraJoão Ricardo Vieira 89.25 86.25 (2.03) (2.43) 175.50 17 66
8 JaCauy HaleJaCauy Hale (1.87) 81.75 90.50 (3.83) 172.25 8 45
9 Ederson SantosEderson Santos (7.07) 84.75 85.75 (5.33) 170.50 7 37
10 Jose Vitor LemeJose Vitor Leme 84.00 85.75 (2.09) - 169.75 6 35.50
11 Mason TaylorMason Taylor 87.00 (4.02) (2.07) - 87.00 5 25
12 Thiago SalgadoThiago Salgado (2.13) 86.75 (3.00) - 86.75 4 42
13/15 Julio Cesar MarquesJulio Cesar Marques (7.02) (3.64) 86.25 (2.51) 86.25 2 21
13/15 Felipe FurlanFelipe Furlan 86.25 (5.97) (3.70) (3.79) 86.25 2 21
13/15 Jesse PetriJesse Petri (0.59) 86.25 (3.27) (7.31) 86.25 2 23
16/17 Cort McFaddenCort McFadden 85.75 (6.17) (2.72) - 85.75 0 15
16/17 Nick TetzNick Tetz 85.75 (3.94) (2.44) - 85.75 0 15
18 Koltin HevalowKoltin Hevalow (3.05) 85.50 (3.04) - 85.50 0 16.50
19 Vitor LosnakeVitor Losnake (2.35) 83.50 (3.52) - 83.50 0 10
20 Alan de SouzaAlan de Souza (5.46) 83.25 (2.01) - 83.25 0 9
21 Bob MitchellBob Mitchell (6.84) 80.25 (3.06) - 80.25 0 8
22 Paulo Eduardo RossettoPaulo Eduardo Rossetto 50.50 (5.88) (3.51) - 50.50 0 1
23 Wingson Henrique da SilvaWingson Henrique da Silva 47.00 (2.56) (1.74) - 47.00 0 0
- Caden BunchCaden Bunch (3.98) (2.23) (6.12) - 0.00 0 0
- Brady FielderBrady Fielder (2.15) (3.65) (4.67) - 0.00 0 0
- Cody JesusCody Jesus (2.23) (6.50) (4.33) - 0.00 0 0
- Kaiden LoudKaiden Loud (3.00) (5.59) (6.07) - 0.00 0 0
- Leonardo CastroLeonardo Castro (1.93) (2.46) (4.10) - 0.00 0 0
- Alex CerqueiraAlex Cerqueira (3.27) (2.84) (3.29) - 0.00 0 0
- Daylon SwearingenDaylon Swearingen (2.77) (4.36) (2.00) - 0.00 0 0
- Boudreaux CampbellBoudreaux Campbell (3.07) (1.52) - - 0.00 0 0
- Ednélio AlmeidaEdnélio Almeida (4.09) (1.55) - - 0.00 0 0
- Mauricio Gulla MoreiraMauricio Gulla Moreira (1.36) (3.88) - - 0.00 0 0
- Conner HalversonConner Halverson (2.55) (4.03) - - 0.00 0 0
- Ezekiel MitchellEzekiel Mitchell (3.38) (7.82) - - 0.00 0 0
- Silvano AlvesSilvano Alves (3.43) (2.73) - - 0.00 0 0
- João Lucas CamposJoão Lucas Campos (3.46) (2.61) - - 0.00 0 0
- Dener BarbosaDener Barbosa (2.22) (2.35) - - 0.00 0 0
- Andrew AlvidrezAndrew Alvidrez (3.09) (2.29) - - 0.00 0 0
- Trace ReddTrace Redd (6.33) (6.87) - - 0.00 0 0
Round PlcPlace Rider Score/(BOT) Bull Bull Score Contractor Earnings
eventRound-1 1 John CrimberJohn Crimber 90.00 Whiskey TripWhiskey Trip 43.25 LGO
eventRound-1 2 João Ricardo VieiraJoão Ricardo Vieira 89.25 Sky's The LimitSky's The Limit 42.75 GJC
eventRound-1 3 Keyshawn WhitehorseKeyshawn Whitehorse 87.50 Norse GodNorse God 42.00 GJC
eventRound-1 4 Mason TaylorMason Taylor 87.00 RenegadeRenegade 42.00 JWH7
eventRound-1 5 Felipe FurlanFelipe Furlan 86.25 Mr. NastyMr. Nasty 42.75 BSWC
eventRound-1 6 Dalton KaselDalton Kasel 86.00 Horn DogHorn Dog 42.00 D4DF
eventRound-1 7/8 Cort McFaddenCort McFadden 85.75 HuckleberryHuckleberry 42.50 BSUB
eventRound-1 7/8 Nick TetzNick Tetz 85.75 Where's the WhiskeyWhere's the Whiskey 41.75 D4
eventRound-1 9 Kaique PachecoKaique Pacheco 85.25 ChupacabraChupacabra 41.50 BSUB
eventRound-1 10/11 Eduardo AparecidoEduardo Aparecido 84.00 CenterfoldCenterfold 40.75 BSPF
eventRound-1 10/11 Jose Vitor LemeJose Vitor Leme 84.00 Bubba GBubba G 40.75 YNP
eventRound-1 12 Paulo Eduardo RossettoPaulo Eduardo Rossetto 50.50 Cy YoungCy Young 27.50 BSR2
eventRound-1 13 Wingson Henrique da SilvaWingson Henrique da Silva 47.00 Sauced UpSauced Up 22.50 FLS
eventRound-1 - Cassio DiasCassio Dias (3.32) MahanMahan 42.50 GJC
eventRound-1 - Koltin HevalowKoltin Hevalow (3.05) BLACKTOOTHBLACKTOOTH 44.50 BSP
eventRound-1 - Caden BunchCaden Bunch (3.98) Jersey MikeJersey Mike 42.75 JW5
eventRound-1 - Alan de SouzaAlan de Souza (5.46) Jersey TuffJersey Tuff 40.25 JWLM
eventRound-1 - Brady FielderBrady Fielder (2.15) Ghost FaceGhost Face 42.25 BCS
eventRound-1 - Cody JesusCody Jesus (2.23) BamboozleBamboozle 44.75 TFB
eventRound-1 - Julio Cesar MarquesJulio Cesar Marques (7.02) Strong ArmStrong Arm 42.00 GJC
eventRound-1 - Kaiden LoudKaiden Loud (3.00) Sneaky SituationSneaky Situation 42.75 YCRB
eventRound-1 - Leonardo CastroLeonardo Castro (1.93) SpiceSpice 38.00 FLCB
eventRound-1 - Alex CerqueiraAlex Cerqueira (3.27) Bandito BugBandito Bug 42.75 BSPC
eventRound-1 - Daylon SwearingenDaylon Swearingen (2.77) Snap ChatterSnap Chatter 41.50 FDZ
eventRound-1 - Vitor LosnakeVitor Losnake (2.35) Younts Brody's PetYounts Brody's Pet 44.00 TFB
eventRound-1 - Boudreaux CampbellBoudreaux Campbell (3.07) UmmUmm 43.25 D4DF
eventRound-1 - Ednélio AlmeidaEdnélio Almeida (4.09) BlackstoneBlackstone 42.00 Y2
eventRound-1 - Mauricio Gulla MoreiraMauricio Gulla Moreira (1.36) Bruised EgoBruised Ego 41.75 GOBC
eventRound-1 - Conner HalversonConner Halverson (2.55) I'm Your DaddyI'm Your Daddy 41.75 CSH
eventRound-1 - Bob MitchellBob Mitchell (6.84) HighwireHighwire 42.50 JWHN
eventRound-1 - Jesse PetriJesse Petri (0.59) Punchy PetePunchy Pete 41.00 GOBC
eventRound-1 - Ezekiel MitchellEzekiel Mitchell (3.38) Smooth SteelSmooth Steel 41.25 FLCB
eventRound-1 - Silvano AlvesSilvano Alves (3.43) Big HoochBig Hooch 41.50 D4
eventRound-1 - Thiago SalgadoThiago Salgado (2.13) Hard CandyHard Candy 44.50 BRUN
eventRound-1 - João Lucas CamposJoão Lucas Campos (3.46) Border CrisisBorder Crisis 36.25 JWH2
eventRound-1 - Dener BarbosaDener Barbosa (2.22) Black GoldBlack Gold 42.00 CSH
eventRound-1 - Andrew AlvidrezAndrew Alvidrez (3.09) Dana White's Twisted SteelDana White's Twisted Steel 44.50 UFC
eventRound-1 - Trace ReddTrace Redd (6.33) Devil's RevengeDevil's Revenge 43.00 YCB2
eventRound-1 - Ederson SantosEderson Santos (7.07) Wild CardWild Card 42.75 BSUB
eventRound-1 - JaCauy HaleJaCauy Hale (1.87) I'm Legit TooI'm Legit Too 42.00 JWH2
eventRound-2 1 Thiago SalgadoThiago Salgado 86.75 SpiceSpice 42.25 FLCB
eventRound-2 2 Dalton KaselDalton Kasel 86.50 WhoaWhoa 41.50 ECB
eventRound-2 3/4 João Ricardo VieiraJoão Ricardo Vieira 86.25 Feeds Red RiverFeeds Red River 41.75 TR
eventRound-2 3/4 Jesse PetriJesse Petri 86.25 Ah HellAh Hell 42.00 CSH
eventRound-2 5 Jose Vitor LemeJose Vitor Leme 85.75 Taylor's Cowtown ThrowdownTaylor's Cowtown Throwdown 41.50 TFB3
eventRound-2 6/7 Cassio DiasCassio Dias 85.50 Show-OffShow-Off 41.75 TR
eventRound-2 6/7 Koltin HevalowKoltin Hevalow 85.50 Rank HankRank Hank 41.75 TRBE
eventRound-2 8 Eduardo AparecidoEduardo Aparecido 85.25 Joy's Bang BangJoy's Bang Bang 41.50 4BRM
eventRound-2 9 Ederson SantosEderson Santos 84.75 Midnight MagicMidnight Magic 41.25 LJBN
eventRound-2 10 Kaique PachecoKaique Pacheco 84.25 FlashbangFlashbang 41.00 D4
eventRound-2 11 Vitor LosnakeVitor Losnake 83.50 pbr.seqlpro.compbr.seqlpro.com 40.50 TR
eventRound-2 12 Alan de SouzaAlan de Souza 83.25 Pookie HollerPookie Holler 40.50 YNP
eventRound-2 13 JaCauy HaleJaCauy Hale 81.75 Texas RainTexas Rain 39.75 YPW
eventRound-2 14 Bob MitchellBob Mitchell 80.25 Battered & BruisedBattered & Bruised 39.50 TR
eventRound-2 - John CrimberJohn Crimber (3.37) BoomerangBoomerang 41.75 BSR
eventRound-2 - Caden BunchCaden Bunch (2.23) Shot CollarShot Collar 44.25 LJJ
eventRound-2 - Brady FielderBrady Fielder (3.65) Hundred Bad DaysHundred Bad Days 41.00 TJW
eventRound-2 - Cody JesusCody Jesus (6.50) The KrakenThe Kraken 43.50 BSUB
eventRound-2 - Julio Cesar MarquesJulio Cesar Marques (3.64) KodiacKodiac 41.75 BSUB
eventRound-2 - Kaiden LoudKaiden Loud (5.59) Preston's PistolPreston's Pistol 40.50 4B
eventRound-2 - Leonardo CastroLeonardo Castro (2.46) Army SlasherArmy Slasher 42.50 BTAL
eventRound-2 - Wingson Henrique da SilvaWingson Henrique da Silva (2.56) Mike's MotiveMike's Motive 43.25 BSP8
eventRound-2 - Alex CerqueiraAlex Cerqueira (2.84) Ghost FaceGhost Face 43.00 BCS
eventRound-2 - Daylon SwearingenDaylon Swearingen (4.36) Rank FrankRank Frank 42.00 LJJ
eventRound-2 - Cort McFaddenCort McFadden (6.17) Hi Times Butter BeanHi Times Butter Bean 40.25 TR
eventRound-2 - Felipe FurlanFelipe Furlan (5.97) Trump TrainTrump Train 42.75 Y2C
eventRound-2 - Boudreaux CampbellBoudreaux Campbell (1.52) Washita RedWashita Red 42.75 ECB
eventRound-2 - Keyshawn WhitehorseKeyshawn Whitehorse (2.68) Mighty MikeMighty Mike 42.50 BRUN
eventRound-2 - Ednélio AlmeidaEdnélio Almeida (1.55) Sky WalkerSky Walker 43.00 YNUN
eventRound-2 - Mauricio Gulla MoreiraMauricio Gulla Moreira (3.88) Bootstrap BillBootstrap Bill 41.75 BSUB
eventRound-2 - Conner HalversonConner Halverson (4.03) John 14:6John 14:6 42.00 LJ2
eventRound-2 - Paulo Eduardo RossettoPaulo Eduardo Rossetto (5.88) ConchoConcho 40.50 YPW
eventRound-2 - Ezekiel MitchellEzekiel Mitchell (7.82) Time BombTime Bomb 41.75 YRBK
eventRound-2 - Silvano AlvesSilvano Alves (2.73) Midnight CityMidnight City 41.50 4B
eventRound-2 - Mason TaylorMason Taylor (4.02) CaesarCaesar 43.00 LJJ
eventRound-2 - João Lucas CamposJoão Lucas Campos (2.61) RowdyRowdy 34.00 OGH
eventRound-2 - Dener BarbosaDener Barbosa (2.35) Cliff HangerCliff Hanger 42.75 ECB
eventRound-2 - Andrew AlvidrezAndrew Alvidrez (2.29) Jump ManJump Man 43.50 JDN
eventRound-2 - Trace ReddTrace Redd (6.87) Lever ActionLever Action 42.50 LJBN
eventRound-2 - Nick TetzNick Tetz (3.94) Dream WalkinDream Walkin 19.00 CJWH
eventRound-3 1 Dalton KaselDalton Kasel 91.00 Cliff HangerCliff Hanger 44.25 ECB
eventRound-3 2 JaCauy HaleJaCauy Hale 90.50 MahanMahan 44.00 GJC
eventRound-3 3 Eduardo AparecidoEduardo Aparecido 87.75 Wild CardWild Card 42.50 BSUB
eventRound-3 4 Cassio DiasCassio Dias 86.75 I'm Your DaddyI'm Your Daddy 42.25 CSH
eventRound-3 5 Julio Cesar MarquesJulio Cesar Marques 86.25 Shot CollarShot Collar 41.75 LJJ
eventRound-3 6 Ederson SantosEderson Santos 85.75 Snap ChatterSnap Chatter 42.00 FDZ
eventRound-3 - John CrimberJohn Crimber (2.26) Sneaky SituationSneaky Situation 44.25 YCRB
eventRound-3 - Koltin HevalowKoltin Hevalow (3.04) HighwireHighwire 42.00 JWHN
eventRound-3 - Caden BunchCaden Bunch (6.12) Washita RedWashita Red 42.50 ECB
eventRound-3 - João Ricardo VieiraJoão Ricardo Vieira (2.03) Punchy PetePunchy Pete 41.50 GOBC
eventRound-3 - Alan de SouzaAlan de Souza (2.01) John 14:6John 14:6 42.75 LJ2
eventRound-3 - Brady FielderBrady Fielder (4.67) Bruised EgoBruised Ego 40.75 GOBC
eventRound-3 - Cody JesusCody Jesus (4.33) UmmUmm 43.50 D4DF
eventRound-3 - Kaiden LoudKaiden Loud (6.07) Miller TimeMiller Time 43.00 AEBS
eventRound-3 - Leonardo CastroLeonardo Castro (4.10) The KrakenThe Kraken 43.25 BSUB
eventRound-3 - Wingson Henrique da SilvaWingson Henrique da Silva (1.74) Sky WalkerSky Walker 41.75 YNUN
eventRound-3 - Alex CerqueiraAlex Cerqueira (3.29) Hard CandyHard Candy 39.50 BRUN
eventRound-3 - Daylon SwearingenDaylon Swearingen (2.00) BLACKTOOTHBLACKTOOTH 45.75 BSP
eventRound-3 - Cort McFaddenCort McFadden (2.72) Sky's The LimitSky's The Limit 42.00 GJC
eventRound-3 - Vitor LosnakeVitor Losnake (3.52) Black GoldBlack Gold 42.50 CSH
eventRound-3 - Felipe FurlanFelipe Furlan (3.70) Strong ArmStrong Arm 43.50 GJC
eventRound-3 - Keyshawn WhitehorseKeyshawn Whitehorse (1.94) BlackstoneBlackstone 40.50 Y2
eventRound-3 - Kaique PachecoKaique Pacheco (2.79) Army SlasherArmy Slasher 43.00 BTAL
eventRound-3 - Jose Vitor LemeJose Vitor Leme (2.09) Younts Brody's PetYounts Brody's Pet 43.00 TFB
eventRound-3 - Paulo Eduardo RossettoPaulo Eduardo Rossetto (3.51) Horn DogHorn Dog 42.25 D4DF
eventRound-3 - Bob MitchellBob Mitchell (3.06) Smooth SteelSmooth Steel 41.75 FLCB
eventRound-3 - Jesse PetriJesse Petri (3.27) Jersey MikeJersey Mike 42.50 JW5
eventRound-3 - Thiago SalgadoThiago Salgado (3.00) Whiskey TripWhiskey Trip 43.75 LGO
eventRound-3 - Mason TaylorMason Taylor (2.07) Jump ManJump Man 42.50 JDN
eventRound-3 - Nick TetzNick Tetz (2.44) Lever ActionLever Action 43.25 LJBN
eventRound-4 1 Cassio DiasCassio Dias 93.25 Man HaterMan Hater 45.75 GJC
eventRound-4 2 John CrimberJohn Crimber 91.50 BamboozleBamboozle 44.00 TFB
eventRound-4 3 Kaique PachecoKaique Pacheco 90.75 UTZ BesTex SmokestackUTZ BesTex Smokestack 44.25 BSZ
eventRound-4 4 Eduardo AparecidoEduardo Aparecido 89.25 Mike's MotiveMike's Motive 43.25 BSP8
eventRound-4 5 Keyshawn WhitehorseKeyshawn Whitehorse 88.75 Dana White's Twisted SteelDana White's Twisted Steel 42.75 UFC
eventRound-4 - Dalton KaselDalton Kasel (2.90) Flyin' WiredFlyin' Wired 44.25 BNSJ
eventRound-4 - João Ricardo VieiraJoão Ricardo Vieira (2.43) Chateau Montelena's Montana JacketChateau Montelena's Montana Jacket 40.25 JWH6
eventRound-4 - Julio Cesar MarquesJulio Cesar Marques (2.51) Night HawkNight Hawk 42.75 YLC
eventRound-4 - Felipe FurlanFelipe Furlan (3.79) UTZ BesTex LegendUTZ BesTex Legend 44.25 BSZ
eventRound-4 - Jesse PetriJesse Petri (7.31) MAGAMAGA 43.25 BSPC
eventRound-4 - Ederson SantosEderson Santos (5.33) ExodusExodus 44.25 GJC
eventRound-4 - JaCauy HaleJaCauy Hale (3.83) Dark ThoughtsDark Thoughts 45.00 HWBS