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New York Mavericks @ Texas Rattlers

$3K On The Line
points available
6 Qualified Rides
New York Mavericks @ Texas Rattlers
PlcPlace Rider Round 1 Total Rider Score Earnings
  Texas Rattlers 264.25 $2,500
2 Brady Fielder Brady Fielder 89.25 89.25
3 Marcelo Procopio Pereira Marcelo Procopio Pereira 89.00 89.00
6 João Ricardo Vieira João Ricardo Vieira 86.00 86.00
- Qynn Andersen Qynn Andersen (5.82) 0.00
- Daniel Keeping Daniel Keeping (5.88) 0.00
  New York Mavericks 264.00 $0
1 Davi Henrique de Lima Davi Henrique de Lima 89.75 89.75
4 Leonardo Castro Leonardo Castro 87.75 87.75
5 Maverick Smith Maverick Smith 86.50 86.50
- Mauricio Gulla Moreira Mauricio Gulla Moreira (3.64) 0.00
- Hudson Bolton Hudson Bolton (2.26) 0.00
PlcPlace Rider Round 1 AggAggregate Aggregate Points Total Points Earnings
1 Davi Henrique de LimaDavi Henrique de Lima 89.75 89.75 0 0
2 Brady FielderBrady Fielder 89.25 89.25 0 0
3 Marcelo Procopio PereiraMarcelo Procopio Pereira 89.00 89.00 0 0
4 Leonardo CastroLeonardo Castro 87.75 87.75 0 0
5 Maverick SmithMaverick Smith 86.50 86.50 0 0
6 João Ricardo VieiraJoão Ricardo Vieira 86.00 86.00 0 0
- Mauricio Gulla MoreiraMauricio Gulla Moreira (3.64) 0.00 0 0
- Qynn AndersenQynn Andersen (5.82) 0.00 0 0
- Daniel KeepingDaniel Keeping (5.88) 0.00 0 0
- Hudson BoltonHudson Bolton (2.26) 0.00 0 0
Round PlcPlace Rider Team Score/(BOT) Bull Bull Score Contractor Earnings
eventRound-1 1 Davi Henrique de LimaDavi Henrique de Lima New York Mavericks 89.75 DirtyBruDirtyBru 44.25 UPR2
eventRound-1 2 Brady FielderBrady Fielder Texas Rattlers 89.25 Hunting TripHunting Trip 43.25 UPR2
eventRound-1 3 Marcelo Procopio PereiraMarcelo Procopio Pereira Texas Rattlers 89.00 TchoupitoulasTchoupitoulas 43.50 JWH2
eventRound-1 4 Leonardo CastroLeonardo Castro New York Mavericks 87.75 Dangerous MedicineDangerous Medicine 42.50 JWH
eventRound-1 5 Maverick SmithMaverick Smith New York Mavericks 86.50 Margy KatMargy Kat 42.00 GO
eventRound-1 6 João Ricardo VieiraJoão Ricardo Vieira Texas Rattlers 86.00 Mojo BoneMojo Bone 41.50 BBG
eventRound-1 - Mauricio Gulla MoreiraMauricio Gulla Moreira New York Mavericks (3.64) Uncle JimUncle Jim 42.75 CMMJ
eventRound-1 - Qynn AndersenQynn Andersen Texas Rattlers (5.82) Crazy TimesCrazy Times 42.00 JWRW
eventRound-1 - Daniel KeepingDaniel Keeping Texas Rattlers (5.88) Han SoloHan Solo 45.25 CMMJ
eventRound-1 - Hudson BoltonHudson Bolton New York Mavericks (2.26) AlibisAlibis 37.00 BSWD